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    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    2008 World Energy Outlook Released


    What's in the energy forecast you ask: increased carbon dioxide emissions, increased demand for coal and a decreasing ability to finance the world's energy needs. Read more highlights (or lowlights depending upon how you look at it) here:

    The International Energy Agency, an intergovernmental organization that acts as energy advisor to more than 28 countries, recently released their annual World Energy Outlook, a depressing little report that suggests things will not be getting better any time soon. Here are some projections:

    • Carbon dioxide emissions will more than double by 2030 and 97% of the projected increase will come from developing countries between now and 2030.
    • World energy demand will expand by 45% between now and 2030.
    • All growth in oil demand will come from developing countries.
    • Of all the energy sources, demand for coal experiences the largest growth between now and 2030.
    And to pay for all of this wonderousness, the World Energy Outlook says:
    • Energy subsidies in the 20 largest developing countries hit $310 billion, creating an unsustainable economic burden on developing countries.
    • In order to meet energy demand, investment of more than $26 trillion is needed, $1 trillion a year until 2030.
    So, what does the World Energy Outlook recommend? (this one's for Phil). They say, and I quote:
    While technological progress is needed to achieve some emissions reductions, efficiency gains and deployment of exisiting low-carbon energy [will] account for most of the savings [in carbon emissions].
    Good thing that's what we're in the business of doing.

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